Well here I am and and if anybody would of told me 20 years ago I would be modelling swimwear I would of said they are crazy! I have always had body confidence issues but as I have got older and coached many ladies in this very position it’s time I practised what I preach.
Sequins and Sand and Cossie Confidence are proud to welcome Donna to the Crew! Donna is a 46 year old mum with 3 teenage kids. Donna is recently separated from her husband and says "I am finally getting out and living my best life!"
Donna is a personal trainer and life coach and specialises in encouraging people of all shapes and sizes to get out there and live the life they deserve. Having the skills to help encourage others, has taught Donna to regularly push herself out of her comfort zone.
Instead of worrying about if ‘my bum looks big in this’ celebrating the fact that I am able bodied and is it sooo bad to have some extra padding? I think not!
Donna says "life is for living and that’s exactly what I intend on doing. Running constant mind coaching workshops with my clients and encouraging them on a daily basis enables me to recognise that I also need to do this for myself and spread the word to the millions of other people out there, that it’s time to be a ‘do-er’ rather then a ‘gonna’ - I am so looking forward to spreading the #cossieconfident word."

Thank you Donna for bringing your beautiful, positive self to the Crew and to all of the women that come across you, whether in person or on social media. You are such an inspiration!