Today is a great day. Today 1000's of women will receive the message of Cossie Confidence. We featured today in the Sunday Mail thanks to the team at The House of Wellness and Chemist Warehouse. Cossie Confidence Crew members Jane Gardiner and Liz Kubler feature with their personal Cossie Confidence stories.
When you're next in Chemist Warehouse pick up the latest news liftout and if you're in Queensland, you'll find it in the Sunday Mail. Our wish is for you to be encouraged to get into your swimsuit this summer and make those memories with those you love. Don't hold back. Life's too short.
A massive thank you to Erin Miller from The House Of Wellness magazine Chemist Warehouse who approached us and wrote the beautifully crafted feature. We are so very grateful. Thanks so very much Jane Gardiner and Liz Kubler for all you do showing the way. To your Cossie Confidence.
Anita xx