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Beach to Bush Calendar

63344 - Sequins and Sand - A4 Wire Calen

head over to the Sequins and Sand site to get your copy and support the girls!

They’d been busy planning the Beach To Bush Ladies Day, gathering on Saturdays as they do, when one day, whilst sewing her quilt for The Biggest Morning Tea, the Carinda Sewing Group’s ideas girl, Toni, comes up with a doozy. “Why don’t we do a Calendar? In our cossies, work boots and Acubra’s on in dried up dams, with the sheep in the home paddock and bare cotton fields.” 


“I’m in!” says Pat, the town’s 89 year old matriarch. “Me too. Me too. Jude, are you in? Yep.”  Watch their video below, as it all unfolds.


So now there’s a Calendar in the making with 11 women from the Carinda Sewing Group showing their #cossieconfidence and raising money for their local community. This has the potential to be BIG and more importantly, do so much good in a community in one of the hardest hit areas in  Australia’s worst drought in 400 years


The girls are currently getting their swimsuits sorted (Sequins and Sand is providing those). Locations are locked in that show what the real effects the drought is having on the local landscape and lives of those living it. The photographer is warming up her camera and the girls are getting ready to take it to print. Their big wish is that Harry and Meghan will get the first copy as a gift from the people of the Carinda, Wallgett area when they visit Dubbo in October 2018 it's just down the road. Maybe they’ll give it a plug. Here’s to dreams coming true.  


We are still working out the details on where you will be able to buy the Calendar. It still hasn’t got a name either! 


100% of profits made will go to the girl's chosen charity, Drought Angels, who tirelessly support these country communities during drought and beyond.


We are working out the details on how and where you will be able to buy the Calendar which will sell for about $25.


So stay tuned. It’s gonna be a cracker…and just in time for Christmas! 

We Have A Calendar!

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